Bostitch LPF33PT Low Profile Framing Nailer – First Look


The world of framing nailers is competitive beyond belief. Tool companies spend countless man-hours researching, visiting job sites, creating computer models, testing, testing, and testing some more. The reason is simple – they want to create the tool that is a must-have for every contractor. That, in turn, means big money in their pocket (yes, that’s the real reason they work so hard, but don’t we all?).

Bostitch has been in the nailing and fastener business since God was a boy. They’ve created some of the most versatile, toughest nailers on the market and they haven’t stopped trying to out-do themselves. If I sound like a fan, I am – I’ve always trusted their brand and have had few problems with any of the tools. That, and the fact that they’re a great bunch of people – even their marketing exec, Todd Langston. He’s not like the other suits you find in giant corporations…but I digress.

Seriously, I was impressed with all the features they packed into this framer – right down the the fact that they’ve prepared it for use as a hammer. Watch the video below as Rob Pare explains what makes the LPF33PT so great – and keep an eye on his mustache.


To check prices or purchase the Bostitch LPF33PT from Amazon: COMING SOON

For more information on this and other Bostitch tools (they also have a store locator for local sales): CLICK HERE

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