ThingaMeJig Scribing Tool – Tool Review


What’s in a name? When it comes to marketing and sales, everything. A friend of mine (Billy Carmen – mad scientist and purveyor of cool stuff at told me about this tool and thought I’d like it. He hit the nail on the head…or hit the Doohickey thing with the ThingaMeJig. Whatever the phrase, this tool qualifies as “Cool”.

The ThingaMeJig Scribing Tool is a great example of adding form to function. It allows you to scribe lines on just about anything from drywall to decorative molding. The real attention-getter here is that you can do this one-handed which frees up your other hand. Traditionally, you needed about 3 hands to use a scribing tool. Leave it the Australians to come up with a better way.

I used the tool in a couple of different scenarios and was more than happy with its performance. It feels solid; it’s definitely machined to the nth degree, and it’s a pleasure to use. Plus, it makes a great conversation starter at parties.

Here’s the video review with the fine points. Post your comments below.


For more information on the ThingaMeJig Scribing Tool, including information on scribing drywall, etc: CLICK HERE

Check price/availability of  ThingaMeJig Scribing Tool on Amazon: CLICK HERE

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