"We’re coming by bike!" –


In Focus

"We're coming by bike!"

Some 30 staff hit the saddle as part of our annual 'Bike to Work' venture.

Every year in June, we join in the fun of Pro Velo Switzerland’s ‘Bike-to-Work’ initiative. In May and June around 54,000 cyclists hit the pedals and ride their bikes to work.

The goal: half-way to work

So what does that mean now for the valiant PB Swiss Tools cyclists who took part in the initiative? Do they have to take their bikes for a whole month – no matter what the weather?

“Pro Velo Switzerland’s aim in all this is to encourage people to cycle at least half-way to work during the course of the program,” reports Katja Gygax, PA in HR and Finance at PB Swiss Tools. The kilometers everyone rode were registered in an app – but only the way to work counted. Anyone wanting to ride an e-bike just had to register: PB Swiss Tools found the bike and covered most of the rental for the period.

Promoting health – and team spirit

Most importantly, it’s all about having fun: “We don’t monitor people – there’s no pressure and there are certainly no penalties if you don’t ride half way,” says Katja Gygax. The initiative is all about promoting a healthier lifestyle and boosting team spirit. “Most of all, it’s just great when people join in. And over again we see these cyclists in a good mood, and it’s great for networking.”

Up for grabs: shopping vouchers

People ride in teams of four – this provides the necessary motivation and is just more fun. And the fact that there are prizes to win is an added incentive. Overall, ten prizes were up for grabs:

· for the most kilometers ridden;

· for the person who rode their bike every day;

· for a randomly chosen team; and

· for seven other participating teams, also chosen by drawn by lots.

The prizes were shopping vouchers redeemable in the region. The winning team won a voucher for an evening meal together.

Impressions of ‘Bike to Work’ riders

#biketowork #bicycle #health #teamspirit #fitness #proveloschweiz #pb #workwiththebest #emmental

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