ToolBoard Alpine: Attractive added value for winter sports enthusiasts –


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ToolBoard Alpine: Attractive added value for winter sports enthusiasts

We are currently in the process of delivering the new "ToolBoards Alpine" to a number of ski resorts. Do you know why these service stations for skis and snowboards are so popular? And what the new ToolBoard Alpine really involves? We asked questions and got these answers.

Correctly adjusted bindings on skis and snowboards are a key ingredient in winter-sports safety. Ski and service shops approved by the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention BfU are equipped to make the right adjustments. But out on the slopes, even experienced skiers and snowboarders are unlikely to have the necessary tools with them for adjusting bindings – unless they are within reach of a ToolBoard. 

There are more than 500 ToolBoards Alpine in use on the slopes

For many years, we have been supplying winter sports locations with ToolBoards free-of-charge as convenient service stations for skis and snowboards. Over 500 of our ToolBoards are installed in 126 such locations in Switzerland alone. But also in Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands and even as far away as Israel, winter sports enthusiasts benefit from ToolBoards to adjust their equipment and carry out minor repairs. Their feedback has been positive without exception. Particular praise is given to the quality of the individual tools and their durability despite extreme weather conditions.

“We have never had a complaint”

More than a dozen such ToolBoards Alpine are installed in the vicinity of Glacier 3000. Kurt von Siebenthal, technical and operations manager: “We have installed ToolBoards everywhere, in the valley, around the middle station and at the top of the mountain. They are in great demand and offer everything one may need out on the slopes.” The choice of tools and their quality are spot on: “We have never had a complaint.” The materials used are excellent and practically orientated, but the weather conditions at heights of 3000 meters will put even top-quality tools to the test: “We frequently have to call for replacements but they are always quickly supplied.”

There has even been a ToolBoard Alpine at Marbach, Lucerne for years – and the second is soon to be installed: “It is extremely convenient for people and is used a lot”, enthuses Stefan Wittwer, technical and operations manager at the Marbachegg lifts, “The tools are of good quality, they must be, otherwise they wouldn’t be so durable.” He finds the ToolBoard is a “smart idea, the way the tools are attached with steel cables.”

The ToolBoard takes a load off the shoulders of staff at the stations

Markus Kellenberger, technical and operations manager at the Firstbahnen AG in Grindelwald has had similar experience: “We have had seven ToolBoards in use for many years now and we will be installing a new one in the new SnowPark soon. Our customers very much appreciate the service they provide.”

There are a good dozen ToolBoards Alpine in the Zermatt winter sports location. Reinhard Lauber, in charge of technical matters for the south region of Zermatt Bergbahnen AG: “This is pure added value for our customers – and takes a load off our staff at the stations, because it means they are not constantly being asked to produce screwdrivers and other tools.”

Comfortable to work with, even when wearing gloves

All the tools on the ToolBoards Alpine are fitted with 2-component SwissGrip handles. These power grips make holding and using the tools a simple matter, even with gloves, wet or cold hands.

Currently, over two hundred ToolBoards Alpine are being delivered, and all in the new, uniform design. As of now, there are two versions available: one with ski rests and one without (as previously made). We provide our ToolBoards free-of-charge to winter sports locations. 

New features for the ToolBoard Alpine 

  • Identifying the screwdriver profiles with “ColorCode” makes it easier to tidy the tools away after use

  • Tools are held in plastic sleeves, which ensures an ergonomically correct position when removing the tools

  • Two sturdy plastic-coated rests provide convenient holders for the skis or snowboards to ensure strain-free working

When the summer comes ToolBoard Biker

Once the snow melts, the bikers arrive on the scene. Many leisure locations are interested in a version of the ToolBoard for mountain bikers. A number of individual home-made constructions are already in existence.

We have responded to this stimulus and are currently cooperating with a bicycle mechanic to assess the best way to create a “ToolBoard Biker”.

Are you interested in a ToolBoard? We will be happy to provide you with details and discuss your order:

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