Thank Those Who Protect Our Freedom – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

4th of July 2016 by Mountz

As we all prepare to celebrate Independence Day here in the U.S., I want to extend wishes for a safe and happy holiday to our dedicated customers. I also want to take this time to say, “Thank You” to our customers for entrusting Mountz to provide torque solutions for your assembly needs.

We often celebrate Independence Day by hosting or attending a picnic or barbecue and take advantage of the day off. As we celebrate Independence Day, let’s not forget to express our gratitude to the men and women and their families who serve our nation at home and abroad.  It’s because of these people protecting America that we have the freedoms to celebrate special occasions as July 4th.

Those who serve in our armed forces, and their families, have given so much to defend the ideals and free institutions we often take for granted. Their commitment reminds us that maintaining America’s freedoms comes with a heavy cost. As we celebrate the birth of our country, let us give tribute to their duty and strive to be worthy of their tremendous sacrifices.

One of our core values at Mountz is to, “Have Fun.” So to all of our loyal customers and employees of Mountz and Mr. Metric, enjoy time with your family and friends over the long weekend celebrating the liberty of our country.

“We are the land of the free, we are the home of the brave. Let’s pay tribute to our brave American Heroes on this special day and forever. Happy Independence Day!”


Daniel Andeel
Vice President of Sales
Mountz, Inc.

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