“A Day of Thanks” – A message from President & CEO Brad Mountz – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

“ Day of Thanks

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  It brings family together and provides  an opportunity to give thanks for the wonderful gifts in our life. To give thanks is a beautiful practice of considering those that make our life enjoyable, special and fulfilling. In my family, we address each person at the dinner table and exchange thanks for the unique gifts they provide. It might be a sense of humor, a caring spirit, a work ethic, a nurturing heart or a sense of adventure.  In each person there is a special gift and we share it with our family, friends and community each day. Day in and day out these gifts may be overlooked or taken for granted. A day of Thanks is a wonderful time to stop and let a person or group know how much we appreciate them and their gifts.

To our customers we give thanks for your trust in us.  We thank you for the demands you put on us that ensure we continually improve.  We hope that we can continue to impress you with our products and service and when we don’t we hope you will tell us.

This is a wonderful opportunity to tell all Mountz Employees how much they are appreciated.    Without the dedication and passion of Mountz People to our business objectives, the foremost being customer satisfaction and quality of product and service, our company would fall short.  Instead, we have a 47 year legacy of product excellence, innovation, customer support and genuine care for our customers. Each employee is charged with “owning the customer experience”, which means EVERY Mountz employee is accountable to exceed customer needs.

To our vendors, we thank you for supplying us and extending us credit to help grow our business and meet the objectives we have set. To our preferred vendors, you are an important and critical part of our supply chain as you are challenged and critiqued with great scrutiny. We hope that our dedication to you is conveyed within your organization through open and honest communication.

To wrap up, this weekend brings turkey, football and many great memories. While we enjoy at home, let’s think a special thought to those less fortunate and to those that defend our freedom.


Brad Mountz, President/CEO

Mountz Inc.


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