On the winners podium –


Company News

On the winners podium

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Last month, PB Swiss Tools AG was awarded the Blaser Productivity Trophy in the category “Process Optimization”.

Since 2013, Blaser Swisslube AG, which is based in Hasle-Rüegsau, has presented an annual award to those business partners who create the most added value for their own company with their cooling lubricants (CL). Our traditional company, PB Swiss Tools AG, was among the award winners in 2019. As the award ceremony was postponed until 2022 due to the coronavirus (together with the announcement of this year’s award), we were finally able to raise the prize in the form of a golden drum – the “Golden Drum”.

Our win in the “Process Optimization” category led to a collaboration with Blaser Swisslube at the beginning of 2019. We joined forces to improve the individual steps in the production process of our products.
Consequently, the partnership included a holistic assessment of the current processes, with a particular focus on the cooling lubricants used – with great success: The processes upstream and downstream of production were perfected after evaluation – and the subsequent addition of the new cooling lubricant Synergy 735 (emulsion). The cooperation also resulted in a reduction in overall costs and an increase in tool life.

As a result of our fruitful collaboration with Blaser Swisslube, we not only won the productivity award, but have also gained a reliable partner for our own ambitious future plans. We are therefore strengthening our cooperation with Blaser Swisslube and have already set our sights on further productivity-related projects: These include new grinding processes, the use of cutting oils and the introduction of lubrication plans.

#CoolingLubricants #PBSwissTools #Award #Winner #Productivity #ProcessOptimization #Awarding #Tool

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