Remote Support Program Expanded for Presetters

Remote Support Program Expanded for Presetters

Current travel and visitor restrictions continue to disrupt the normal schedule of service calls to manufacturers. To keep our customers up and running, the BIG KAISER Tool Measuring Solutions (TMS) Department offers remote maintenance sessions, which may be just the fix until an in-person service can be scheduled. Several options are available for virtual maintenance support for all models of Speroni tool presetters.

Options range from free help lines and virtual troubleshooting for minor problems to complete virtual service providing repair guidance or calibration for a minimal investment. 

Are you finding it hard to keep up with your required calibrations to meet your ISO certification? BIG KAISER can provide a one-on-one video conference using apps such as FaceTime, Microsoft Teams, TeamViewer or GoToMeeting. This service takes an hour to complete and includes a basic calibration check and analysis of potential corrective actions. This is a fraction of what a factory-trained technician does during a full-day onsite visit, however, this remote checkup may keep the presetter performing to specifications until a service call can be scheduled.

A one-hour calibration support session includes:

  • A guided calibration check with a 7-step analysis of the camera and spindle using a NIST-traceable artifact
  • Detailed guidance on basic corrective actions specific to the machine model
  • Customized training on request; for example, how to measure difficult tools or use software features


Another popular virtual service is our Speroni controls training. With an Internet connection and a conference call, we can provide customized training for your entire toolroom team. This is a popular option with the Essentia control.

Remote support is one way BIG KAISER works to support manufacturers in critical industries across North America. If a video service call uncovers any issue that cannot be resolved through remote guidance, your company will be prioritized for an in-person service visit based on company policies and location.

For more information, contact BIG KAISER at 224-770-2999 ext. 255 or e-mail

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