And don’t forget to replace the side stand when you get it down low! Jebel 250 Low Ride Height Project [MOTO HACK] | News

ローダウンしたら、サイドスタンドの交換もお忘れなく!ジェベル250低車高化計画【MOTO HACK】ローダウンしたら、サイドスタンドの交換もお忘れなく!ジェベル250低車高化計画【MOTO HACK】Suzuki Jebel 250XC Genuine HACK

Webike CommunityMOTO HACKFrom theninninHere’s a passionate narrative from “Mr.”!
I’m the owner, so I know how to divert the stock Jebel 250XC!

  1. A brief self-introduction
  2. A brief description of this HACK
  3. Parts, tools and things needed for this HACK
  4. How to do the HACK, instructions, work instructions, etc.
  5. Summary of HACK
  6. Webike is looking for your behind-the-scenes tips to enrich your bike life!

    1. ~7/Up to 31 “Genuine HACK!You can get 500 points if you post “I’m not a fan of this!

A brief self-introduction
Motorcycle history: 30 years since I got my driver’s license in the first year of college, and I’ve been an a-laftie businessman for about 30 years.
How to enjoy: Mainly for touring and camping. You can enjoy riding down the road and taking a hot spring. Long tours with camping gear are great. (I’d love to go back to Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku too!
Annual mileage: about 2,000-3,000km. (I’m still raising my kids and can’t go out that much by myself.)
How long I’ve been riding it: bought it new in 2000 and rode it for about 3 years. Toured Hokkaido, Shikoku and Kyushu with it.
I was still single, so I loaded up my tent and went on a long touring trip with my bike.
Motivation: After scrapping my bike in an accident, I chose a 250-off because I wanted a light and easy to handle bike next.
It had the most power off at the time with 30 PS, and was selected.
I first bought it new when I fell in love with the rally raiding style of the bright blue tank, big lights, big tank, big hand guards and rear carrier as standard.

A brief description of this HACK
There are two types of DEJEBEL250XC, standard and low height, but you can easily change the standard to low height. If you don’t want to drive off the road, it’s better to have a low ride height for daily use or flat dirt road if you want to have a good footing.
The short side stand of the low-profile model has been diverted to lower the vehicle height.
This will lower the ride height by 4cm.

Parts, tools and things needed for this HACK
Short side stand for DJEBEL250XC with low ride height.
If you don’t replace it, the bike will be too upright and prone to collapse when you stop the bike.

Part number: 42310-13E10

Then you can substitute a jack to support the bike or a beam or rope to hang on top of it.

How to do the HACK, instructions, work instructions, etc.
There are two main steps: front and rear.

First, remove the handle. Simply remove the four bolts that hold the handle in place.

Next, remove the front fork cover, but if you try to remove the cover without removing the bolt holding the fork to the headlight, it won’t come off, so loosen this bolt and then remove it.
Remove the lid to reveal a large spencer-like object. (*Note that it pops out when you remove the fork cap.)
Just remove this 5cm spacer and put it back together.

(2) Rear.
You can do this without removing the tire, but you’ll remove it to make it easier to work ahead.

There is a threaded hole above the lower fulcrum of the rear suspension. When supported by the lower hole, it is the standard type, and when supported by the upper hole, it is the lower height type.
All that’s left to do is assemble the tires, replace them with the stock low-profile short side stand, and you’ve got yourself a low-profile DJEBEL.
It’s a simple process once you know the steps.

Summary of HACK

This will raise the ride height and give you better footing. It’s easier to get to your feet in town or on a wooded area, which makes it more maneuverable and less prone to mishaps.
The ride height is lower, so hard off-roading can increase the likelihood of bottoming out. (I’ve been running toro, so no problem.)

Also, the style is slightly spoiled by the waist-high style characteristic of off-road cars.

I have better footing at traffic lights, etc., which makes me feel less nervous and more comfortable. It is especially recommended for women and people who are not tall.

Thank you, ninnin, for posting that valuable stock diversion HACK!

Click here to purchase genuine parts.

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